Interface CryptoBackendInternal

Common interface for the crypto implementations


Implemented by


globalBlacklistUnverifiedDevices: boolean

Global override for whether the client should ever send encrypted messages to unverified devices. This provides the default for rooms which do not specify a value.

If true, all unverified devices will be blacklisted by default

globalErrorOnUnknownDevices: boolean

Whether sendMessage in a room with unknown and unverified devices should throw an error and not send the message. This has 'Global' for symmetry with setGlobalBlacklistUnverifiedDevices but there is currently no room-level equivalent for this setting.


this is here, rather than in CryptoApi, because I don't think we're going to support it in the rust crypto implementation.


  • Bootstrap cross-signing by creating keys if needed.

    If everything is already set up, then no changes are made, so this is safe to run to ensure cross-signing is ready for use.

    This function:

    • creates new cross-signing keys if they are not found locally cached nor in secret storage (if it has been set up)
    • publishes the public keys to the server if they are not already published
    • stores the private keys in secret storage if secret storage is set up.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Bootstrap the secret storage by creating a new secret storage key, add it in the secret storage and store the cross signing keys in the secret storage.

    • Generate a new key GeneratedSecretStorageKey with createSecretStorageKey. Only if setupNewSecretStorage is set or if there is no AES key in the secret storage
    • Store this key in the secret storage and set it as the default key.
    • Call cryptoCallbacks.cacheSecretStorageKey if provided.
    • Store the cross signing keys in the secret storage if
      • the cross signing is ready
      • a new key was created during the previous step
      • or the secret storage already contains the cross signing keys


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Create a recovery key (ie, a key suitable for use with server-side secret storage).

    The key can either be based on a user-supplied passphrase, or just created randomly.


    • Optional password: string

      Optional passphrase string to use to derive the key, which can later be entered by the user as an alternative to entering the recovery key itself. If omitted, a key is generated randomly.

    Returns Promise<GeneratedSecretStorageKey>

    Object including recovery key and server upload parameters. The private key should be disposed of after displaying to the use.

  • Encrypt an event according to the configuration of the room.


    Returns Promise<void>

    Promise which resolves when the event has been encrypted, or null if nothing was needed

  • Discard any existing megolm session for the given room.

    This will ensure that a new session is created on the next call to prepareToEncrypt, or the next time a message is sent.

    This should not normally be necessary: it should only be used as a debugging tool if there has been a problem with encryption.


    • roomId: string

      the room to discard sessions for

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Get the ID of one of the user's cross-signing keys.


    • Optional type: CrossSigningKey

      The type of key to get the ID of. One of CrossSigningKey.Master, CrossSigningKey.SelfSigning, or CrossSigningKey.UserSigning. Defaults to CrossSigningKey.Master.

    Returns Promise<null | string>

    If cross-signing has been initialised on this device, the ID of the given key. Otherwise, null

  • Get the device information for the given list of users.

    For any users whose device lists are cached (due to sharing an encrypted room with the user), the cached device data is returned.

    If there are uncached users, and the downloadUncached parameter is set to true, a /keys/query request is made to the server to retrieve these devices.


    • userIds: string[]

      The users to fetch.

    • Optional downloadUncached: boolean

      If true, download the device list for users whose device list we are not currently tracking. Defaults to false, in which case such users will not appear at all in the result map.

    Returns Promise<DeviceMap>

    A map {@link DeviceMap}.

  • Checks whether cross signing:

    • is enabled on this account and trusted by this device
    • has private keys either cached locally or stored in secret storage

    If this function returns false, bootstrapCrossSigning() can be used to fix things such that it returns true. That is to say, after bootstrapCrossSigning() completes successfully, this function should return true.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    True if cross-signing is ready to be used on this device


    May throw ClientStoppedError if the MatrixClient is stopped before or during the call.

  • Checks whether secret storage:

    • is enabled on this account
    • is storing cross-signing private keys
    • is storing session backup key (if enabled)

    If this function returns false, bootstrapSecretStorage() can be used to fix things such that it returns true. That is to say, after bootstrapSecretStorage() completes successfully, this function should return true.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    True if secret storage is ready to be used on this device

  • Called by the /sync loop whenever an event is received.

    This is called before RoomStateEvents are emitted for any of the events in the /sync response (even if the other events technically happened first). This works around a problem if the client uses a RoomStateEvent (typically a membership event) as a trigger to send a message in a new room (or one where encryption has been newly enabled): that would otherwise leave the crypto layer confused because it expects crypto to be set up, but it has not yet been.


    • room: Room

      in which the event was received

    • event: MatrixEvent

      encryption event to be processed

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Perform any background tasks that can be done before a message is ready to send, in order to speed up sending of the message.


    • room: Room

      the room the event is in

    Returns void

  • Request an interactive verification with the given device.

    This is normally used on one of our own devices, when the current device is already cross-signed, and we want to validate another device.

    If a verification for this user/device is already in flight, returns it. Otherwise, initiates a new one.

    To control the methods offered, set verificationMethods when creating the MatrixClient.


    • userId: string

      ID of the owner of the device to verify

    • deviceId: string

      ID of the device to verify

    Returns Promise<Crypto.VerificationRequest>

    a VerificationRequest when the request has been sent to the other party.

  • Mark the given device as locally verified.

    Marking a devices as locally verified has much the same effect as completing the verification dance, or receiving a cross-signing signature for it.


    • userId: string

      owner of the device

    • deviceId: string

      unique identifier for the device.

    • Optional verified: boolean

      whether to mark the device as verified. Defaults to 'true'.

    Returns Promise<void>


    an error if the device is unknown, or has not published any encryption keys.


    Fires DeviceVerificationChanged

  • Set whether to trust other user's signatures of their devices.

    If false, devices will only be considered 'verified' if we have verified that device individually (effectively disabling cross-signing).

    true by default.


    • val: boolean

      the new value

    Returns void

  • Store the backup decryption key.

    This should be called if the client has received the key from another device via secret sharing (gossiping). It is the responsability of the caller to check that the decryption key is valid for the current backup version.


    Returns Promise<void>


    prefer the variant with a version parameter.

  • Store the backup decryption key.

    This should be called if the client has received the key from another device via secret sharing (gossiping). It is the responsability of the caller to check that the decryption key is valid for the given backup version.


    • key: Uint8Array

      the backup decryption key

    • version: string

      the backup version corresponding to this decryption key

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Check if the given user has published cross-signing keys.

    • If the user is tracked, a /keys/query request is made to update locally the cross signing keys.
    • If the user is not tracked locally and downloadUncached is set to true, a /keys/query request is made to the server to retrieve the cross signing keys.
    • Otherwise, return false


    • Optional userId: string

      the user ID to check. Defaults to the local user.

    • Optional downloadUncached: boolean

      If true, download the device list for users whose device list we are not currently tracking. Defaults to false, in which case false will be returned for such users.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    true if the cross signing keys are available.

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